
Nearing the end of my III A5 Moleskine Sketchbook


Ma'at Synergy

These are a couple of new-ish pages from my moleskine sketchbook, I haven't really been drawing lately which I'm kinda ashamed of but I'll get back into it..
It just takes me a while to feel inspired enough to draw, and reading and observing media is a good way of starting for me, so I read, watch, listen to music and draw simultaneously.. It's long and tedious if I don't have anything in mind, but if I have a spark of an idea then the ball rolls by itself..
'Is-Ought' is something I came across while reading, and in a lot of my sketchbook pages, you may find random pieces of information as letters, drawings or symbols which all stem from my readings, watchings and listenings..
The bottom image is something I'm still working on, I know I'm too precious with my sketchbook pages but when I have finished one to the degree I call finished, they really express exactly what I have been thinking (to me) even if they're understood different than I mean, all is good!
Individual Interpretation is what its all about lol

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