
The Kosher Taboo

The Kosher taboo is a simple prototype version of a piece I want to do on a much grander scale and it basically represents, law, system, lust, intoxication and occult..
As for the materials used for the final version, I'm still undecided on what I should use if I need more props and subjects within the piece..

Pillar of the Abyss [As you touch the Abyss, the Abyss touches you..]

The character at the top of the piece - if you don't remember - is me, how I represent myself in my illustrations.. I usually only draw myself if there is a feeling or idea I don't want to write down and so I'll create a visual representation of the feeling and impose myself into it on paper.. In previous versions I am confused/ lost and/or running.. where as in this one I am confronting darkness or something I don't like (i think)..


i Didn't Say.. But Listen...

My responsibility to myself, my neighbours, my family and the human family is to try to tell the truth. That ain't easy. There are so few truth-speaking traditions in this society in which the myth of "Western civilization" has claimed the allegiance of so many. We have rarely been encouraged and equipped to appreciate the fact that the truth works, that it releases the Spirit and that it is a joyous thing. We live in a part of the world, for example, that equates criticism with assault, that equates social responsibility with naive idealism, that defines the unrelenting pursuit of knowledge and wisdom as fanaticism...


Mundane Object Project... : Washing Basket

These pieces are the prototypes for a project I'm currently working on for the first illustration brief, which is on exposing a mundane house-hold object/ appliance.
[more will be written]



This is the first piece of music I've posted and I think it's entirely relevant to the type of person I am and want to be!
Of course replacing the music with visual *art, as they are both a form of art, one visual, one audio..
One of my favorite musicians, from my home place of South London!

http://www.ibeatthetune.com/ - link to this website!


The Consortium Code Part I

 This is the first page of a personal project of mine on my own self reflection and understanding of how I decipher my own thoughts and turn them into brainstorms, initial ideas, developed ideas and final pieces.
find the full 18 pages @ http://gaseiconsortiumcode.carbonmade.com/

The Next Big Piece..

Ideas for this are still circulating in my head. It will be about religion and ideology mixed with righteous religion and evil cults, being leveled on a scale of something, still don't know.. It also may not even turn out like this, but I want to you a range of media on this piece.

Paddington Morning

 This is a page I did while waiting for my train with a friend at Paddington station, - my friend is the bearded chap in the bottom right corner - there's not a lot on the page but drawing from life, live in action is a funny task when trying to draw people who become easily self conscious.

Ticket Of The Mind

Summer Project Sketch Pages


Gasei's Log #00001

why do people feel they are so special.. those who judge others and proclaim the self-absorbed nature of others are just as arrogant allowing themselves sovereign to say such as those who are self-absorbed and dictate that others are weak or inferior because matters that have no real or true meaning to anyone. Am i arrogant for writing this?
personally i've never thought of myself superior or inferior to anyone, if someone feels superior to me, i'm sure they have a cogent reason and i applaud their conceit in their devine deduction skills into the 'who's, who' of mere men! while those who find themselves inferior to me, i have no answer to the meek minds of such, my approach to everything is of an open sound mind and i think what i think with full intent that as a man, i only have an opinion or idea. its not right or wrong, its just convenient! like every other order in this jumble of buildings and peoples and domestic pets we call 'civilization', convenience, thats all! laws are not solid! they change! people change! ideas change! concepts change! everything changes with convenience as much as we want to assert ourselves with the notion of conviction.. we're all fickle! and do what needs to be done when it needs to be done..
why am i writing this? i'm tired now, its 01:19am.. i should be asleep but i won't dream of anything nice.. i tried something new today, with my art work.. techniques used by water colourists and illustrators, the line between inspiration and plagiarism is very thin.. research, remember and implement.. anyway it went well, then i went on to use my tablet, that was ok.. dilly dally'd here and there on photoshop and illustrator but nothing i find amazing.. i need something to help me... SPACE!
this has dragged on enough.. i think its time for bed..

p.s - i don't care for the spelling errors which this text may contain! Buenas Noches!


Work Rate Post. #00001

This is just a little foot note for everyone and myself I guess, as I have been hired by a client for some commissioned work, where I have to work on 2 pieces. The first which is a 6 feet by 4 feet oil painting on canvas, which should be fun as I haven't worked with oils in a while but look forward to it. The second being a mural objective although the client doesn't want it directly on the wall but in pieces that can be mobile, but still in the size and shape of the actual wall which is 25 feet by 20 feet.
I have given my client my quote and pricing which we've both agreed and I've received a deposit for the first one, and look to be starting by September.
Look forward to seeing some images on the blog in the coming days...


Jessica with the Eyes doesn't Speak

Oooh, I don't like this piece anymore.. TBH I was rushed coming to the conclusion of it and lapsed in judgement when deciding how to finish it. I will uploaded the version I like better soon, or not.. But know this isn't the desired finale.. :(


Anti-Kingdom Heart of Gasei [UNFINISHED]

This piece I have done is a product of my boredom, a digitally drawn illustration which was drawn over a wood grain background for the illusion of texture and variety lol... It's not finished and not really meant to be finished, although a future piece will have elements of this in it, it will have nothing to do with it, more so the opposite. 

Imanice Guy Gasei T-Shirts - Who'd Buy One?

Gasei Life-Glass

Gasei Wolf-Man
Anchor And The Wolf
Gasei 4's A Crowd

These t-shirts weren't initially made for sale purposes but because I  liked my designs enough to put them on t-shirts to wear, and some friends of mine thought they were cool enough to try and sell, so here we go...
Will try and convert designs into practical-ish t-shirt wear...


The Krispy Kreme Collection Cover

This digital collage was made for and as a cover for the compilation CD I made for my other half, which we and both quite pleased with. It took longer than I thought mainly because of deciding what imagery to use but in the end I got there and it was also pretty fun when putting together. I may incorporate more collage into my works.


Somethin' for Nothin...

Gasei is somethin' of a pixel boy...
This is some 'pixel art' - I put quotes as there is debate whether it is true pixel art or not and I acknowledge such critique - I did today, having only started pixel art yesterday, which wasn't meant to be anything serious, just practicing skills for a game I'm to design...
Let me know what you think, Cheers!


Stiglitz Honor for Evgenij... [Tattoo]

This piece is an unfinished draft of a tattoo I decided to design for a friend and fellow colleague, the design includes two skulls, a butterfly, 2 lugers and worn banner and a rose.. Not forgetting the sword which has Stiglitz engraved into it... He likes it and I hope that he does decide to get it done, i designed it with the idea that it'd be on a shoulder area...

Jessie the Anti-Hero [UNFINISHED]

Jessie's Chick Trip!


Couple New Pieces for Major Project

The Wheatsheaf (Old Town, Swindon)

The Vic (Old Town, Swindon)
 These two works were done as the final pieces of my final major project, each are my presentation of 2 local and popular Swindon pubs. Having have to cut/carve/slice, paint, draw and print/transfer to produce these pieces, they were worked quite hard on and I'm quite happy with the results.


WaterFall Atomos

This is piece I did which took me like 12 hours, its on A2 paper, and erm... Dunno, I did a pen sketch of the previous version and just wanted it bigger really...


The Visual Diary...


Baby Days...

Journey of Adulthood..

Blissful Days of Age...

The Call of Death...