
Speaking Volumes Commercial Project [Court of Puppets]


This is the final piece I wanted to submit for the outside project of Speaking Volumes because I thought I'd achieved the right balance of ideology with craft to produce it. That expresses the controlled conformity and puppeteering which is occurring between all groups, men and women, man and child and shows what is happening with a simple image..
Although I had more ideas, some I thought may be to controversial or 'deep' for a first edition of a new publication, and so went with my most universal idea.

I may produce another piece called, 'The More Words We Know, The More We Can See', which is an extended ideology (not broad enough to be a philosophy), that poses that we do not see with our physical eyes but our minds, and the more words we are attune with, the wider our gauge of material things we can perceive..

Do Geese See God? [Printing/Book binding project]

This little sequence of drawings is a scanned version from a maquette I made for a print project in creating a book from advice myself along with a partner would have liked to know before starting our BA course. Given my experience of being away from home for a year already before the course and the timid nature of my partner, we agreed we'd give advice/ record on the experiences I'd had and the experiences he's yet to have.
This 4 images are from side of the 8 page sequential and my advice was;
1. Have a social life
2. Avoid engaging with mormons
3. Your money will run out
4. Break some rules

Pages from my III A5 Moleskine

 The above is a double page spread from my sketchbook, as notes and minor research for a project I had in which we had to create a box with a conceptual background which was quite challenging but prevailed in the end.
[it looks like nothing to people but all of it has meaning]

Conformity is the Motto of Society
This was some ideas generation for an outside project relating to a new publication Speaking Volumes and all the illustrators in BA 1st and 2nd year needed to submit something, (although it was proposed as optional), and it needed to speak volumes in some way and so I thought the most obvious and universal projection of this would be conformity or tradition. (or something relating these ideas)