
Je suis Gaspard De Coligny!

Gaspard De Coligny, 1517 - 1572 2010!
This illustration something I drew from a photo I took while in Paris for a college trip, the dude in the image is Gaspard De Coligny who was a religious nut or somethin' can't remember, only God knows who his entourage is at his feet but I drew them in anyway. This is another one of my pen-straight-away drawings, I think it took me 2 hrs... In the speech bubbles - to those who can't speak French - they're asking him who he is and he explains more and less, then he also asks where he was and why he's on a magic carpet. In the image I drew him wearing trainers, don't really know why, but because of the modern twist I gave him, I drew the extras with some modern items, the woman on the bottom holding a dildo and the sob on the bottom right holding 'Now!' magazine. Also the monkey Abu, who is from Aladdin is significant because of the flying carpet, which again, I don't know why I drew, but anyhow.. Moving on... In the note on the right of the picture is my explanation of why I drew this statue in particular which I can't be bothered to state at this time... Hope you like it!

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