
The Gasei/Wallace Oxymoron [ http://www.benjaminwallace.tumblr.com ]


i Didn't Say.. But Listen...

My responsibility to myself, my neighbours, my family and the human family is to try to tell the truth. That ain't easy. There are so few truth-speaking traditions in this society in which the myth of "Western civilization" has claimed the allegiance of so many. We have rarely been encouraged and equipped to appreciate the fact that the truth works, that it releases the Spirit and that it is a joyous thing. We live in a part of the world, for example, that equates criticism with assault, that equates social responsibility with naive idealism, that defines the unrelenting pursuit of knowledge and wisdom as fanaticism...


Mundane Object Project... : Washing Basket

These pieces are the prototypes for a project I'm currently working on for the first illustration brief, which is on exposing a mundane house-hold object/ appliance.
[more will be written]