
Ghast Cherubs; Zeus, Poseidon & Hades featuring...

Zeus, Poseidon & Hades = Din, Farore & Nayru = Athos, Porthos & Aramis...

These cherubs, which I've been drawing ever a since an editorial brief I got in October 2010, they were initially meant to be cherubs who's wings were clipped for a newspaper heading 'Flying Babies Grounded', but I seem to draw them a lot and for no particular reason lol... In this illustration was done by pencil then inked, I gave them new purpose, usually they're named after the 3 musketeers; Athos, Porthos and Aramis. But in this instance they take the characters of the 'Big Three'; Zeus (center), Poseidon (right) and Hades (left), in which I also gave them the slight resemblances of the gods. Not ending there somewhere on each them I also engraved additional names; Din (center), Nayru (right) and Farore (left), which are the names of the three deities from a very famous and favorite game of mine. Din reprensented Power, Nayru represented Wisdom and Farore represented Courage, which now that I think about, Poseidon/Porthos should've had Courage instead of Wisdom and Hades/Aramis should've have Wisdom instead of Courage, but oh well, t'is life, nothing can be done now lol... There of the stuff in the background isnt of any significance, I just wanted to fill the page... The whole took me maybe 4 hours to do...

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