

This pencil sketch is another one of the Gasei journey type drawings, just quick expression of how I was feelin' at the time, and what was in my head... It's basically me as my character, world on my back (upgraded swagger ;) - wearin' shorts and a wavey hat), with my artificial right arm which is holding my heart (named; Orcus) in a container about to put it in a freezer, cave in antarctica or somethin'... Also this time the laptop is not connected to my brain but on the surface beside me with what you can see as a moon on the screen, representing Sleep Mode... Erm, the two hands reaching for at the top of the image, one white one black, are the hands of Death which is captioned there... Erm, there's a woman burning in a love heart, her own heart meaning she burn by her own agendas.. maybe, but she's no one in particular anyway... Theres not to much here but it served its purpose when I drew which was outlet of emotion and stuff...

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